Public Pricelist - Flexible Engine Cloud

Applicable from 01/04/2024
Product vCPU RAM (GB) Price/hour Price/month
s3.medium.4 1 4 0,0178 € 13,05 €
s3.large.2 2 4 0,0358 € 26,14 €
s3.xlarge.2 2 8 0,0716 € 52,34 €
s3.2xlarge.2 4 8 0,1434 € 104,68 €
s3.large.4 4 16 0,0398 € 29,08 €
s3.xlarge.4 8 16 0,0797 € 58,17 €
s3.2xlarge.4 8 32 0,1594 € 116,35 €
s3.4xlarge.4 16 64 0,3188 € 232,70 €
c6.large.4 2 8 0,0575 € 41,93 €
c6.xlarge.4 4 16 0,1149 € 83,87 €
c6.2xlarge.4 8 32 0,2298 € 167,73 €
c6.4xlarge.4 16 64 0,4595 € 335,46 €
c6.8xlarge.4 32 128 0,9191 € 670,91 €
c6.large.2 2 4 0,0551 € 40,22 €
c6.xlarge.2 4 8 0,1102 € 80,42 €
c6.2xlarge.2 8 16 0,2205 € 160,89 €
c6.4xlarge.2 16 32 0,4408 € 321,78 €
c6.8xlarge.2 32 64 0,8816 € 643,56 €
Export :
Cluster mode / Replica mode / Config mode
Type Price/GB/month  Price/GB/hour
EVS for DDS 0,1104 € 0,0001 €
Export :
Product vCPU RAM (GB) Price/hour Price/month
s3.medium.4 1 4 0,0178 € 13,05 €
s3.large.2 2 4 0,0358 € 26,14 €
s3.xlarge.2 2 8 0,0716 € 52,34 €
s3.2xlarge.2 4 8 0,1434 € 104,68 €
s3.large.4 4 16 0,0398 € 29,08 €
s3.xlarge.4 8 16 0,0797 € 58,17 €
s3.2xlarge.4 8 32 0,1594 € 116,35 €
s3.4xlarge.4 16 64 0,3188 € 232,70 €
c6.large.4 2 8 0,0575 € 41,93 €
c6.xlarge.4 4 16 0,1149 € 83,87 €
c6.2xlarge.4 8 32 0,2298 € 167,73 €
c6.4xlarge.4 16 64 0,3447 € 251,60 €
c6.large.2 2 4 0,0551 € 40,22 €
c6.xlarge.2 4 8 0,1102 € 80,42 €
c6.2xlarge.2 8 16 0,2205 € 160,89 €
c6.4xlarge.2 16 32 0,4408 € 321,78 €
Export :
Cluster mode / Replica mode / Config mode
Type Price/GB/month  Price/GB/hour
EVS for DDS 0,1104 € 0,0001 €
Export :

The service is billed at the hour granularity (ECS excluded).

Note #1: All node types (mongos, chard, config and replicatSet) are charged based on those prices.

Note #2: Pricing is per node-hour consumed, from the time a node is launched until it is terminated. Each partial node-hour consumed will be billed as a full hour.

Note #3: ReplicatSet, Config and Shard will use 3 instances (prices need to be multiplied by 3)