RDS & DDS Updates

Flexible Engine
Release Notes

January 18, 2021

Relational Database Service (RDS) is Flexible Engine’s database management service. You can find more information regarding RDS here, and DDS technical documentation here.

Document Dabase Service (DDS) is Flexible Engine’s document database management service. You can find more information regarding DDS here, and DDS technical documentation here.

RDS and DDS have recieved significant updates:

New RDS Features

  • RDS now supports PostgreSQL 12 version.
  • RDS service for MySQL and PostgreSQL can now be deployed c6 ECS flavors.
  • RDS now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2017 version.

MySQL Server support for CES monitoring metrics: rds074_slow_queries and rds072_conn_usage

MySQL support for log recovery: RDS for MySQL Server supports relay_log_recovery=on* to avoid inconsistency between the primary and secondary databases caused by relay log damage.
Note: Only supported on MySQL 8.0

  • MySQL support for sub-account creation: RDS for MySQL Server now allows users to create a sub-account with the same permissions as the primary account rdsuser. This creation can be performed by using a stored procedure.
  • MySQL support for concurrent PITR single database and restoration tasks: RDS for MySQL Server supports PITR restoration tasks of a single database on a single instance. These restoration tasks can be concurrently executed in batches by using the APIs.
  • RDS supports for PostgreSQL datebase engine a newlocal recovery tool. The aim is to restore our PostgreSQL databse from the local backup.

New DDS Features

  • DDS recyble bin functionnality: The recycle bin policy can be configured. Once the recycle bin is activated, the deleted and unsubscribed instances are stored in the recycle bin according to the retention period.
  • DDS replica set point-in-time restoration: DDS replica set feature supports now the restoration to a specified point-in-time.
  • DDS replica set table-level point-in-time restoration: DDS replica set feature supports now the table-level to a specified point-in-time restoration.
  • DDS OpenAPI delivery: DDS service supports the instance management, backup, restoration, and tagging functionalities.
  • DDS cluster supports 32 nodes: DDS service now supports a cluster size up to 32 nodes.

Bug Fixes

Bugs pertaining to certificate information have been fixed.


Sign in to the Flexible Engine Management Console, select RDS or DDS service to use those new features. This upgrade is live for Paris region (eu-west-0).


You can find all the related RDS information (Relational Database Service User Guide, Relational Database Service API Reference, Relational Database Service Developer Guide) here and all the related DDS information (Document Database Service User Guide, Document Database Service API Reference, Document Database Service Developer Guide) here.