Wiki Cloud Avenue
Practical sheets
- Backup : Agent-Level B&R via NSS for IAAS offer
- Backup : Create VCOD Backup
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Linux
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Windows
- Backup : Overall Design for VCOD Offer
- Backup : User's Guide for VCOD Offer
- NSX-T : Configuring a Distributed Firewall [FR]
- NSX-T : Create a VPN Ipsec
- NSX-T : Creation of T1
- NSX-T : DNAT configuration
- NSX-T : How to configure a Gateway Firewall
- NSX-T : SNAT configuration
- NSX-T: Create and Configure a Geneve Overlay Segment [FR]
- NSX-T: How to configure an IPSEC solution
- vCenter : Clone a VM [FR]
- VCenter : Create a new VM
- VCenter : Create a snapshot of a VM
- VCenter : Reset cloudadmin password
- VCenter : Storage Vmotion on a VM
- VCenter : Upgrade Vmware tools on a VM
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Q & A
- - Services presentation
- Backup
- Bare metal server
- Block Storage [FR]
- BVPN access
- Certifications [FR]
- Cross Connect [FR]
- Dedicated Cluster
- DRaaS with VCDA
- Dual Site [FR]
- HA Dual-Room
- Internet access
- Kubernetes [FR]
- Licenses
- Network
- Network Storage
- Object storage
- QoS Appliance
- Security
- Support and Coaching
- Tools [FR]
- VCenter On Demand
- VM Replication [FR]
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DRaaS with VCDA
DRaaS (aka Disaster Recovery as a Service) is a service that allows any client with a vmware infrastructure “on premise” to build a disaster recovery plan (DRP) on Cloud Avenue. This service is based on the vCloud Director Availability (vCDA) software, which is available as standard in the vCloud Director portal on Cloud Avenue.
Service Prerequisites
- To be a Cloud Avenue customer, that means to have subscribed an organization (a tenant) on the NGP platform of Cloud Avenue.
- Install and configure the “vCloud Extender” virtual appliance on its “on premise” vmware infrastructure
- Allow the source IP address to connect to the organization (self-service operation on the cloud client area)
- Order one (or more) vDC to host replicated VMs. Choosing the PAYG billing model is the best choice to limit the overall cost of the DRP.
Replication of VMs can start, with a choice of replication policies available in VCDA, which the client will choose based on the criticality of its applications.
Replication policies
A policy applies to a VM.
Policy | RPO | Retention |
Bronze | 24h | only the last replica |
Silver | 6h | only the last replica |
Silver + | 6h | on replica kept 24h |
Gold | 1h | only the last replica |
Gold + | 1h | 3 replicas kept for 3 days |
Platinum | 5min | only the last replica |
Platinum + | 5min | 7 replicas kept for 7 days |
What is considered in the billing of this service:
- a subscription to the protected VM
- a price for the replication policy applied
- cost of vDC (none if chosen in PAYG)
- cost on storage allocated to vDC
- NSX-T gateways
Useful information
Deployment guide for vCloud Extender