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- Backup : Agent-Level B&R via NSS for IAAS offer
- Backup : Create VCOD Backup
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Linux
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Windows
- Backup : Overall Design for VCOD Offer
- Backup : User's Guide for VCOD Offer
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- NSX-T : Create a VPN Ipsec
- NSX-T : Creation of T1
- NSX-T : DNAT configuration
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- NSX-T : SNAT configuration
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- NSX-T: How to configure an IPSEC solution
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Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Linux
This draft page contains the needed steps to install Netbackup Agent for Linux based OS
- Admin privilege for installation
- Download the Agent package
- Add Backup servers (master & media) records in hosts file
Installation Procedure
- Navigate to the location where the installation images reside Enter: ./install and press enter to continue
- Type y and press Enter to continue with the software installation. Do you want to install the NetBackup client software for this client? [y,n] (y)
- Type the name of your NetBackup master server and press Enter to continue. Enter the name of the NetBackup master server:
- Confirm the NetBackup client name and press Enter to continue Would you like to use “client_name” as the configured name of the NetBackup client? [y,n] “N” to Use Netbackup Client Name from the Details tab of the Asset hosted on the NSS tenant
- Enter one or more media servers if prompted
- After you confirm you want to continue, the installer fetches the certificate authority certificate details
- When prompted, review the fingerprint information and confirm that it is accurate. Master server [master_name] reports CA Certificate fingerprint [fingerprint]. Is this correct? [y/n] (y)
- After the Certificate Authority certificate is stored, the installer fetches the host certificate
- f prompted for the Authorization Token, please enter it An authorization token is required in order to get the host certificate for this host. At the prompt, enter the authorization token or q to skip the question. NOTE: The answer entered will not be displayed to the terminal
- When prompted, specify 1 or 2options if you want Java and the JRE packages installed
- Include the Java GUI and JRE
- Exclude the Java GUI and JRE
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation
- After the installation is complete, select Exit from this Script
Set the ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION configuration option to TRUE on the client using the nbsetconfig commandC:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>nbsetconfignbsetconfig> ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION =TRUE<Ctrl+Z> and ENTER
- Make sure that the Veritas services are up & running after restarting the OS