Public Cloud – Flexible Engine
Reserved Instances – Reserve instance templates and save up to 60% compared to on-demand instances
[Features – Compute]

You can reserve instance templates (memory and computing power) from 1 to 3 years, and benefit from lower costs compared to on-demand instances.
Reserved instances are recommended for applications with stable and predictable levels of use.
When two or more instances are used in the month, Orange Cloud for Business automatically saves you money by allocating the reservation to the most-resource demanding instance deployed during the month.
Several packages are available:
- One-year commitment with no upfront fees.
- One-year commitment with upfront fees.
- Two-year commitment with no upfront fees.
- Two-year commitment with upfront fees.
- Three-year commitment with no upfront fees.
- Three-year commitment with upfront fees.
Good to know:
- Reserved instances are not physical instances, but correspond to a discount for a specific instance template in your account.
- It does not include operating systems or storage.
- Activation of the reserved instance billing begins on the first day of the following month or immediately. If you choose to activate your subscription immediately, you will be billed for the full month.
- They are billed monthly and do not generate additional hourly charges.
- Your payment method remains unchanged.
- Reserving instance templates is recommended for applications with stable and predictable levels of use.
- Once the reservation period expires, you can renew it or switch to on-demand billing, without interrupting your service or changing your settings.
- When your subscription comes to an end, you can extend it from the cloud store.
How it works
Which instances are considered reserved?
Your quota of reserved instances will be deducted from your bill based on usage and according to the following rule: Depending on how many reserved instances you have, the reserved template instances that were used most during the current month will be the ones considered reserved. The other instances for the same template will be billed based on usage.
Example :
Our company reserved two s1.medium instances.
In the current month, we used:
- One s1.medium instance (1) 100% of the time.
- One s1.medium instance (2) 80% of the time.
- One s1.medium instance (3) 50% of the time.
- One s1.medium instance (4) 1% of the time.
Instances 1 and 2 will count towards your quota of reserved instances.
You will be billed for:
- The reservation of two s1.medium instances.
- 50% of the use of a one s1.medium instance.
- 1% of the use of a one s1.medium instance.
What does instance reservation include?
Instance reservation refers to instance templates, which means power and computing capabilities (vCPU and RAM). The reservation does not include operating systems or storage.
Our company reserved one s1.medium template. This month, we had a virtual machine running one s1.medium instance, a Windows operating system, a 60 GB system disk and 100 GB of data storage.
You will be billed for:
- The reservation of one s1.medium instance.
- The Windows license for the month.
- 160 GB of storage for the month.