Automate API calls with Function Graph (Hibernate CCE Cluster)
This document is based on Cloud Container Engine version 1.23 and Function Graph 1.0
In this document we will introduce our serverless service called FunctionGraph and use it to automate the hibernation of our Cloud Container Engine (CCE) cluster using API call.
FunctionGraph is a Function as a Service solution that hosts and computes event-driven functions in a serverless context while ensuring high availability, high scalability, and zero maintenance. All you need to do is write your code and set conditions. You pay only for what you use and you are not charged when your code is not running.
Feature page :
You can find our related documentation on our online Helpcenter :
Create a function
In FE console, under Computing, Select FunctionGraph

In FunctionGraph menu, select Functions then Functions List
and Create Function

Add a Function name
Select the agency created previously
Select Python 3.6 as Runtime
Then click on Create Function

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import json
import requests
def handler (event, context):
Endpoint = ""
Project = context.getProjectID()
print("Authentication and Getting token")
token = context.getToken()
print("Hibernate CCE latest cluster")
url = f"https://cce.{Endpoint}/api/v3/projects/{Project}/clusters/9850adc3-2843-11ed-94cc-0255ac101f5a/operation/awake"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Auth-Token': token,
'X-Cluster-UUID': '9850adc3-2843-11ed-94cc-0255ac101f5a'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"isBase64Encoded": False,
"body": json.dumps(event),
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
Customize the code and replace ID : "9850adc3-2843-11ed-94cc-0255ac101f5a" with your CCE Cluster ID.
In the configuration tab, you can configure encryption settings and environment variables to dynamically pass settings to your function code and libraries without changing your code.
Depending on your use case you will need to create and IAM Agency in order to :
Allow FunctionGraph to interact with the targeted services (CCE in our example)
Create a token for authentication
More details about Agencies :
Here is an example of how to configure an IAM Agency to allow FunctionGraph to access Cloud Container Engine service
In Flexible Engine console go to Identity and Access Management
Select Agencies
Click on Create agency on the top right of the screen
Agency Name : FGSAccessCCE (or name of your choice)
Agency type : Select Cloud service
Cloud Service : FunctionGraph
Validy Period : Unlimited
- Then attach the Agency to your region/project
- You need to give Tenant Administrator role to Global (to generate identification token)
- CCE Admin role to your region/project

After creating your IAM Agency, go back to your Function configuration and select your Agency
Finally you can also customize the function’s associated Memory ,Execution Timeout and Environment variable…

Now we can test our function with Test button at the top right of the screen.
If everything is well configured, resultat shoud look as below :

FunctionGraph applications are composed of functions and event sources. Event sources are cloud services or user-defined applications that publish events, and functions are custom code for processing events.
FunctionGraph functions can be triggered by multiple cloud services. After you configure event sources to trigger your functions, FunctionGraph automatically invokes the functions when events occur.
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