
Depending of your architecture and the way you want to administer your environment the tools can be installed on a admin workstation, a jump host on your vdc or inside the bootstrap server.

The choice is up to you, for this documentation we will use the bootstrap cluster to install this tools.

Mandatory tools


Depending of your distribution follow the steps provided by the Kubernetes documentation : * kubectl Installation

Tools for KaaS Standard


  • Download the binary :
  • Make the clusterctl binary executable
  • Move the binary in to your PATH
  • Test to ensure the version you installed is up-to-date:



Tanzu packages tooling [Optional]

To retrieve the cli bundle tar.gz file below it is require to download it from the VMware Website, a free account is required and must be created before.

tanzu cli


using the files downloaded for tanzi-cli

Verify the installation


using the files downloaded for tanzi-cli


using the files downloaded for tanzi-cli

Optional tools

The following tools are not mandatory but can help a lot to manage & troubleshoot your clusters. Feel free to use it or not.


kctx is a script that help to switch between kubernetes clusters without manage the complexity of kubeconfig files & context.

Basically kctx will create a symlink between the kubeconfig file you choose and the actual kubeconfig file used by default by kubectl & clusterctl.

When you launch the kctx command, a list will be displayed with all the kubeconfig files added in ~/.kube then you just have to choose the cluster you want to use, and that’s all.



Add your kubeconfig files

Put all your kubeconfig files in ~/.kube/

Create new file in ~/

Add this line in the ~/.bashrc file

Activate the new command

Then, you can switch between kubeconfig file by launching kctx command


k9s is a very powerful terminal “GUI” that can be used to browse Kubernetes clusters & objects: