KaaS – upgrade workload cluster

The upgrade of a Kubernetes cluster can only be done to the next incremental version, say from K8s 1.20 to K8s 1.21.

The update involves modifying the Cluster API objects created on the management cluster to select the target version of Kubernetes and the VM template to use.

Edit the -config.yml file

Modify the cluster1-config.yml file corresponding to the cluster to be updated and change the following parameters (cluster1 corresponds to your cluster to be updated):

ParamètreOù trouver cette valeur ?Exemple
VCD_TEMPLATE_NAMEin vCloud Director console though Library menu then vApp templates, get the complete template name to use.ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.20.8+vmware.1-tkg.1-17589475007677388652 or ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.21.2+vmware.1-tkg.1-7832907791984498322 ….
KUBERNETES_VERSIONfrom the template name extract the version to install. the format id v[number]+vmware.[number]v1.21.2+vmware.1

Apply the new configuration :

Wait for the update to complete. You can track the deployment of the new nodes using the following command :