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KaaS – SSHKey for node access
Workload cluster deployment
SSH key creation for node access
To have access on nodes that you will deploy, you will need to provide a ssh rsa key. This key will be used in the future to connect to node through SSH mainly for diagnostic & troubleshooting purpose.
Please note !
This key must be stored securely and never be lost.
Generate keys on Linux
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
Generate keys on Windows
To generate keys on a Windows machine we will use a tool called Putty Key Generator. > https://www.puttygen.com/
it is recommended to have a clear filename to identify easily wich file is the private key and wich one is the public one.
- Download the puttygen tool & launch it
- Select Key > SSH-2 RSA Key
- Move randomly your cursor
- Set a passphrase to secure your key
- Save your public key & your private key in two separate files.
it is recommended to have a clear filename to identify easily wich file is the private key and wich one is the public one.
Please note !
Your public key will be used during the cluster provisionning process, the key have to be on openSSH format instead of SSH2 format You can save to a third file the OpenSSH formatted key that is displayed in PuttyGen (line started by ssh-rsa)
Convert SSH2 public key to OpenSSH format
If you have a public key in SSH2 format, it will be required to convert it in OpenSSH format to use it in KaaS Advanced configuration file or KaaS Basic GUI.
Simply use ssh-keygen to convert it :
ssh-keygen -i -f /your/public/key.file