Flexible Engine - Getting Started Guide

Step 8 – Import in RDS

Step 8 will push data into your RDS MySQL database. At the end of the previous step, you are connected to the console of your ECS. We will type several commands to prepare and import the data into the database:

  • Check that the files are present

cloud@guide-web-ecs:~$ ls

config-db.php importMySQL.sql



  • Update the Ubuntu repositories and install the mysql client

cloud@guide-web-ecs:~$ sudo apt-get update

cloud@guide-web-ecs:~$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client


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Import the data from the .sql file, the RDS Cloudcoach123* password will be requested to validate the order


cloud@guide-web-ecs:~$ sudo  mysql -u root -h -P 8635 -p < importMySQL.sql




Next step