How to migrate data from a bucket to another cross region
Technical additional documentation
This guide will help you to migrate data from a bucket in one region to a bucket in another region using “obsutil” Flexible Engine command line tool.
This tool can used from a Linux ECS hosted in any Flexible Engine or from a Windows workstation connected to internet.
Installation on Linux
- A Linux ECS is instantiated in Flexible Engine in eu-west-0 or eu-west-1 with outgoing internet connectivity (EIP or NAT Gateway)
- Flexible Engine user has OBS access rights (user belong to default “admin’ group” or belong to a group with OBS service IAM policy allowing read/write access
- Connect to ECS using SSH or console “Remote Login”
- Download “obsutil” tools:
- Extract archive:
tar -xzvf obsutil_ocb_linux_amd64_5.3.4.tar.gz
- Make the tool executable:
chmod 755 obsutil_linux_amd64_5.3.4/obsutil
- Check the tool is working:
./obsutil_linux_amd64_5.3.4/obsutil version
- Configure obsutil for destination region:
./obsutil_linux_amd64_5.3.4/obsutil config -interactive
Please input your ak:
Please input your sk:
Please input your endpoint:
Please input your token:
Config file url:
Update config file successfully!
- Check the access to bucket list in the region:
./obsutil_linux_amd64_5.3.4/obsutil ls -limit=5
Bucket CreationDate Location BucketType
obs://bucket001 2018-09-03T01:53:02Z example OBJECT
obs://bucket002 2018-11-01T01:40:01Z example OBJECT
obs://bucket003 2018-10-25T11:45:45Z example OBJECT
obs://bucket004 2018-10-26T02:33:09Z example OBJECT
obs://bucket005 2018-10-26T02:34:50Z example OBJECT
Bucket number is: 5
- Configure obsutil for source region:
./obsutil_linux_amd64_5.3.4/obsutil config -interactive -crr Please input your akCrr: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please input your skCrr: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please input your endpointCrr: Please input your tokenCrr: Config file url: /home/cloud/.obsutilconfig Update config file successfully!
Installation on Windows workstation
- A Windows workstation with outgoing internet connectivity
- Download “obsutil” tool using the following link:
- Extract the archive into a directory
- Execute the program “obsutil.exe” from the directory
- Configure “obsutil” for destination region:
Enter "exit" or "quit" to logout
Enter "help" or "help command" to show help docs
Input your command:
-->config -interactive
Please input your ak:
Please input your sk:
Please input your endpoint:
Please input your token:
Config file url:
Update config file successfully!
- Check the access to bucket list in the region:
Input your command: -->ls -limit=5 Bucket CreationDate Location BucketType obs://bucket001 2018-09-03T01:53:02Z example OBJECT obs://bucket002 2018-11-01T01:40:01Z example OBJECT obs://bucket003 2018-10-25T11:45:45Z example OBJECT obs://bucket004 2018-10-26T02:33:09Z example OBJECT obs://bucket005 2018-10-26T02:34:50Z example OBJECT Bucket number is: 5
- Configure “obsutil” for source region:
Input your command: -->config -interactive -crr Please input your akCrr: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please input your skCrr: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Please input your endpointCrr: Please input your tokenCrr: Config file url: C:\Users\xxxxx\.obsutilconfig Update config file successfully!
- If needed, configure your proxy by editing the “.obsutilconfig” file located in your user directory:
- Create the new bucket:
mb obs://bucket-destination -location=eu-west-0
- Synchronize objects from source bucket with destination bucket:
sync -crr obs://bucket-source obs://bucket-destinatio
- Delete objects inside source bucket:
rm obs://bucket-source -r -f
- Delete source bucket:
rm obs://bucket-source -f
Usefull link: