BVPN access


The Customer must first subscribe with his usual Orange sales contact, an extension of his BVPN network to Cloud Avenue, specifying the maximum bandwidth he wishes to authorize. The Gallery option is required.


On the T0 VRF supplied as standard, the default route is to the internet. If the Customer wishes to configure a default route to the BVPN, this will not work, as this type of announcement is filtered at the entrance to the Cloud Avenue platform. If the Customer absolutely needs to have a network with a default route to BVPN, he will then have to order an additional T0 VRF, connected exclusively to BVPN. Associated with a T1, the VMs connected to the networks carried by this T1 can then have their default route to the BVPN.

Bandwidth adjustment

This adjustment is made in the Business Customer Area, in the Customer’s BVPN section.


The incoming bandwidth does not require QoS management, given that the available internal bandwidths are sufficient, with a network core at several tens of Gbps. On the other hand, the outgoing bandwidth must be managed with a flow prioritization mechanism, especially when real-time or voice over IP type applications are used, with limited bandwidth on the Customer’s BVPN. In this case, it is necessary to use a QoS appliance.

Possible configurations


This is the default configuration that the Customer chooses when ordering an extension of his BVPN Gallery to Cloud Avenue.


This configuration must be ordered specifically from Orange Business in order to open the Cloud Avenue tenant to all customers present on BVPN Galerie.

This is the configuration chosen by service operators or applications published in SaaS mode.


There is no billing for BVPN Galerie bandwidth and its access in Cloud Avenue.