Wiki Cloud Avenue
Practical sheets
- Backup : Agent-Level B&R via NSS for IAAS offer
- Backup : Create VCOD Backup
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Linux
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Windows
- Backup : Overall Design for VCOD Offer
- Backup : User's Guide for VCOD Offer
- NSX-T : Configuring a Distributed Firewall [FR]
- NSX-T : Create a VPN Ipsec
- NSX-T : Creation of T1
- NSX-T : DNAT configuration
- NSX-T : How to configure a Gateway Firewall
- NSX-T : SNAT configuration
- NSX-T: Create and Configure a Geneve Overlay Segment [FR]
- NSX-T: How to configure an IPSEC solution
- vCenter : Clone a VM [FR]
- VCenter : Create a new VM
- VCenter : Create a snapshot of a VM
- VCenter : Reset cloudadmin password
- VCenter : Storage Vmotion on a VM
- VCenter : Upgrade Vmware tools on a VM
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Q & A
- - Services presentation
- Backup
- Bare metal server
- Block Storage [FR]
- BVPN access
- Certifications [FR]
- Cross Connect [FR]
- Dedicated Cluster
- DRaaS with VCDA
- Dual Site [FR]
- HA Dual-Room
- Internet access
- Kubernetes [FR]
- Licenses
- Network
- Network Storage
- Object storage
- QoS Appliance
- Security
- Support and Coaching
- Tools [FR]
- VCenter On Demand
- VM Replication [FR]
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Create a vApp Template
Once you have configured your VM, you can create your own Templates from your vCD portal, these are called vApp Templates.
A vApp Template is an image of your VM with an OS, resources, vNic/Mac@, applications, etc. These templates enable you to quickly deploy VMs in a standard way
They can be added to a Catalog Libraries/vApp Templates.
Warning !
To create a vApp template, No ISO file must be mounted on the VM.
vApp have to be Power Off
From Applications/Virtual Applications select the vApp and Create Template
Specify :
- The Name of the Catalog.
- Overwrite catalog item Yes/No
- The name of the Template and a Description (optional)
- Make an identical copy or
- Customize VM settings
Le fait de personnaliser les paramètres va en réalité redéfinir certains paramètres de votre VM tel que son identifiant unique.
On peut le comparer à un sysprep.
Check there is an new Template in the catalog.