Create a vApp Template

Once you have configured your VM, you can create your own Templates from your vCD portal, these are called vApp Templates.
A vApp Template is an image of your VM with an OS, resources, vNic/Mac@, applications, etc. These templates enable you to quickly deploy VMs in a standard way

They can be added to a Catalog Libraries/vApp Templates.


From Applications/Virtual Applications select the vApp and Create Template

Specify :

  • The Name of the Catalog.
  • Overwrite catalog item Yes/No
  • The name of the Template and a Description (optional)
  • Make an identical copy or
  • Customize VM settings

Le fait de personnaliser les paramètres va en réalité redéfinir certains paramètres de votre VM tel que son identifiant unique.
On peut le comparer à un sysprep.

Check there is an new Template in the catalog.