Practical sheets
- Backup : Agent-Level B&R via NSS for IAAS offer
- Backup : Create VCOD Backup
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Linux
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Windows
- Backup : Overall Design for VCOD Offer
- Backup : User's Guide for VCOD Offer
- NSX-T : Configuring a Distributed Firewall [FR]
- NSX-T : Create a VPN Ipsec
- NSX-T : Creation of T1
- NSX-T : DNAT configuration
- NSX-T : How to configure a Gateway Firewall
- NSX-T : SNAT configuration
- NSX-T: Create and Configure a Geneve Overlay Segment [FR]
- NSX-T: How to configure an IPSEC solution
- vCenter : Clone a VM [FR]
- VCenter : Create a new VM
- VCenter : Create a snapshot of a VM
- VCenter : Reset cloudadmin password
- VCenter : Storage Vmotion on a VM
- VCenter : Upgrade Vmware tools on a VM
- Show all articles (5) Collapse Articles
Q & A
- - Services presentation
- Backup
- Bare metal server
- Block Storage [FR]
- BVPN access
- Certifications [FR]
- Cross Connect [FR]
- Dedicated Cluster
- DRaaS with VCDA
- Dual Site [FR]
- HA Dual-Room
- Internet access
- Kubernetes [FR]
- Licenses
- Network
- Network Storage
- Object storage
- QoS Appliance
- Security
- Support and Coaching
- Tools [FR]
- VCenter On Demand
- VM Replication [FR]
- Show all articles (8) Collapse Articles
Configure a VM
Vous pouvez toujours modifier les propriétés d’une VM.
Un grand nombres d’options de personnalisation vous sont proposées et ce guide couvre chacune de ces possibilités
- Savoir Access your VMs
VM Configuration
Access the VM properties
- Select Data Centers tab
- Choose the VDC/Virtual Machines
- Select your VM
- Click on the VM Name
VM Parameters
From the General tab, click on EDIT
You can :
- Change the Name
- Change the Hostname
- Change the Description
- Change the Storage Policy
- Enabling or Disabling BIOS access
Click on SAVE button to confirm the changes
Removable Media
This tab allows you to view the media connected to your VM.
To add a Media go to ALL ACTIONS/Media/Insert Media.
Hard Disks
From Hard Disks tab, click on EDIT
You can :
- Add a Disk
- Define a Bus Number
- Define an Unit Number
- Change the Disk Size (only increase, not decrease)
- Change the Disk Policy
- Choose the Bus Type (keep Paravirtual SCSI by default)
- Remove a Disk.
Click on SAVE button to confirm the changes.
Please note!
!!! Disk Size limited to 2 TB !!!
Gestion des disques
Depuis l’onglet Disques durs > Cliquez sur MODIFIER
Vous pouvez :
- Ajouter un disque
- Modifier la taille d’un disque
- Définir la stratégie de stockage d’un disque
- Définir le type de bus
- Définir le Numéro de bus
- Définir le numéro d’unité
- Supprimer un Disque (Corbeille)
Attention !
La taille d’un disque est limitée à 2 To.
Lorsqu’une VM doit avoir un stockage supérieur à 2 To, il est nécessaire multiplier les disques de la VM.
From the Compute tab, click on EDIT
You can :
- Change the number of CPU
- Adapt the Cores per socket
- Adapt the Memory
- Activate the option Virtual CPU hot add
Some SOS (2K8R2/CentOS) don’t handle this option: ICI
- Tick ou Untick Memory hot add
From the NICs tab, click on EDIT
You can :
- Add a New vNic
- Change the Primary NIC (the default route)
- Connect or disconnect the vNic
- Define the Adapter Type (VMXNET3 the most efficient)
- Select the Network
- Define the IP Mode
- Static – Pool IP
- Static – Manual
- Reset the MAC adress
Guest OS Customization
From the Guest OS Customization tab, click on EDIT
The Computer Name and Network Settings configured for the VM are applied to the VM’s Guest OS when it powers up.
The following settings only apply the 1st Time the VM is powered up or if a Power On, Force Recustomization operation is performed: Reset Password, Join Domain and Customization Script.
Please note!
Don’t restart the VM from the Power On, Force Recustomizationif your VM is in production.
This can cause damages on the OS side.
From the Monitor tab, click on Tasks or Events.
You can :
- View recent tasks or events.