Practical sheets
- Backup : Agent-Level B&R via NSS for IAAS offer
- Backup : Create VCOD Backup
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Linux
- Backup : Netbackup Agent Installation for Windows
- Backup : Overall Design for VCOD Offer
- Backup : User's Guide for VCOD Offer
- NSX-T : Configuring a Distributed Firewall [FR]
- NSX-T : Create a VPN Ipsec
- NSX-T : Creation of T1
- NSX-T : DNAT configuration
- NSX-T : How to configure a Gateway Firewall
- NSX-T : SNAT configuration
- NSX-T: Create and Configure a Geneve Overlay Segment [FR]
- NSX-T: How to configure an IPSEC solution
- vCenter : Clone a VM [FR]
- VCenter : Create a new VM
- VCenter : Create a snapshot of a VM
- VCenter : Reset cloudadmin password
- VCenter : Storage Vmotion on a VM
- VCenter : Upgrade Vmware tools on a VM
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Q & A
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Object storage – Website
Functionality overview
The Website functionality allows to expose publicly a bucket as a static website.
A static website only delivers unmodified content, ie. as it is stored.
Typically HTML, CSS and image files or even client-side scripts.
Typical use case: publish a set of documentation.
When Website is enabled for a bucket, the bucket is available as a website with the following endpoint URL:
(replace bucket-name with real value)
The access is strictly read-only and available worldwide.
Configuration steps
- create a bucket
- enable website
- allow public-read on all objects
- upload content
Use case with AWS CLI
(replace bucket-name with real value)
Prerequisite : prepare content
Even if you want to publish individual objects, enabling Website will require an index document.
An index document is a webpage that is returned when nothing specific is requested (sort of a default page).
Request https://bucket-name.website-region01.cloudavenue.orange-business.com and the configured index document will be returned (if the object was uploaded before).
Describing the creation of a entire static website is out of scope here.
Let’s focus on the minimum requirement, ie. the index document.
Create an index.html file with the following content :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
<title>Page Statique</title>
<h1>Page statique</h1>
Quelques mots.
Create a bucket
[root@mytest ~]# aws --endpoint-url https://s3-region01.cloudavenue.orange-business.com s3api create-bucket --bucket bucket-name
"Location": "/nom-du-compartiment"
Enable website for the bucket
Here, object index.html is configured as index document.
[root@mytest ~]# aws --endpoint-url https://s3-region01.cloudavenue.orange-business.com s3 website s3://bucket-name--index-document index.html
Add a bucket policy to allow public read
Create an AllowGetForAllPolicy.json file with the following content :
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowGetForAll",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Apply the policy to the bucket :
[root@mytest website]# aws --endpoint-url https://s3-region01.cloudavenue.orange-business.com s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket bucket-name --policy file://AllowGetForAllPolicy.json
Upload content to the bucket
[root@mytest website]# aws --endpoint-url https://s3-region01.cloudavenue.orange-business.com s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket bucket-name --policy file://AllowGetForAllPolicy.json
"ETag": "\"4423a824067897cb9390a034337cab97\""