KaaS – Create Cluster

  • a VirtualDatacenter
  • A routed network with Internet access (snat)
  • Internet DNS resolution
  • For Internal IaaS only : Source NAT for API Access

Deploy the Cluster

  • Launch & connect to the vCloud Director console
  • Go to More > Kubernetes Container Clusters
  • Clic New
  • Choose VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid then click Next
  • Fill the Name field
  • Select the version you want to use
  • Fill your SSH public key on OpenSSH format (for help follow this link : KaaS – SSHKey for node access)
  • Clic Next
  • Select the Virtual datacenter where to create the cluster
  • Set 1 Control plane node & 1 worker node (or more as it is needed)
  • Select the sizing policy
  • Clic Next
  • Choose the storage profil to use for the nodes
  • Select the network where to create the cluster
  • You can choose here the internal CIDR for the PODS and the Services.
  • Click next then Finish
  • Wait for the cluster creation until the status is CREATE:SUCCEEDED

Retrieve kubeconfig file

To interact with your Kubernetes cluster it is required to have the kubeconfig file corresponding to the cluster.

  • Launch & connect to the vCloud Director console
  • Go to More > Kubernetes Container Clusters
  • Select the cluster you want to get the kubeconfig file
  • Clic Download Kubeconfig button

Create a Storage Class

Using KaaS Standard you can consume storage in your Virtual Data center Automatically for the Persistent Volume for your PODS.

For that you have to create K8S Storage Class that is link to a VCD Storage Policy. In that way you can use storage with different performance.

Create a file mystorageclass.yaml and copy the content provided on the right and replace

by the storage policy of your choice.

The example provided create a default storage class, if you don’t want to set this Storage Class as default you can simply change the annotation storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class to false.