Install the Harbor Registry
Harbor is an open source registry that secures artifacts with policies and role-based access control, ensures images are scanned and free from vulnerabilities, and signs images as trusted. Harbor, a CNCF Graduated project, delivers compliance, performance, and interoperability to help you consistently and securely manage artifacts across cloud native compute platforms like Kubernetes and Docker.
Before deploying Harbor on the workload cluster, some prerequisite has to be installed either on the admin workstation or in the target workload cluster.
On the admin station
Install the Tanzu packages tools, using this page
On the cluster
- Deploy an ingress controller like Contour, the below practical sheet can be used :
- Create a storageClass for the persistance volume that will store the datas
Retrieve the version to install.
Use the VERSION column to choose the version to install, note the version chosen because it will be required in next step.
Generate the config file
Before doing the installation, it is required to fill a configuration file, the options in the config file can be slightly different between versions.
To generate the config file according to the version you selected, use the command on the right by replacing PACKAGE-VERSION by the selected version.
Example :
Harbor use different passwords for databases, component communication and so on. It is possible to set the password manually in the configuration file or it is also possible to use a script that will generate random passwords directly in the configuration file.
If you want to use the script please use the command on the right, if you want to set the password manually in the file you can go directly to the next step.
Replace PACKAGE-VERSION by your version (same path as the precedent step)
Example :
Fill the harbor-data-values
Please find below the table that explain the most important options to fill in the file.
Parameter | Description | Example |
hostname | Full DNS name of the service. It will be the name use to access the registry. The name has to be resolved through DNS on the clusters. For testing purpose you can use names to simplify the tests. | or |
tlsCertificate.tls.crt tlsCertificate.tls.key | These three parameters are used to provide certificates for the service. If nothing is provided a certificate will be automatically generated. The default certificate is not trusted by any authority, so it will be necessary to declare this certificate on the workloads clusters that want to use this registry. See the Section to know how to do that | |
enableContourHttpProxy | If Contour is used an ingress controller set this parameter to true to use the new Contour object httpProxy instead of Ingress. If another Ingress controller is used set this parameter to false | true or false |
harborAdminPassword | The default admin user password used to connect to the Harbor UI | |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.storageClass | Name of the storage class to use to store de registry files and have persistence. This storageclass must exist before Harbor installation (see prerequisite section). If the parameter is not filled the default storageClass will be used. | silver |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size | Size of the persistent volume | 10Gi |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.database.storageClass | Name of the storage class to use to store de database files and have persistence. This storageclass must exist before Harbor installation (see prerequisite section). If the parameter is not filled the default storageClass will be used. | |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.registry.size | Size of the persistent volume | |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.storageClass | Name of the storage class to use to store de redis files and have persistence. This storageclass must exist before Harbor installation (see prerequisite section). If the parameter is not filled the default storageClass will be used. | |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.redis.size | Size of the persistent volume | |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trivy.storageClass | Name of the storage class to use to store de trivy files and have persistence. This storageclass must exist before Harbor installation (see prerequisite section). If the parameter is not filled the default storageClass will be used. | |
persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.trive.size | Size of the persistent volume | |
secretKey database.password core.secret core.xsrfKey jobservice.secret registry.secret | Password to set manually or with script (see above sections) |
Install Harbor
Use the following command by replacing the VERSION and NAMESPACE
Example :
Annex : Add Custom Certificate to Workload Cluster
To use a registry on a Kubernetes cluster, the registry need to use https and the certificate has to be validated by a trusted authority.
If the installed registry instance use a custom CA that it is not validated by a trusted authority, it is required to add the certificate of the custom authority or the registry certificate itself to the workload clusters.
For all future clusters deployed
When using ytt templates provided in KaaS Standard – Deploy workload cluster
If you use the template provided, you just have to create a file in the template folder named tkg-custom-ca.pem
and then use normally the template as describe in the KaaS Standard – Deploy workload cluster page.
When using custom yaml definition for your Cluster API Objects
- Add the certificate & the preKubeadmCommands in
object in your custom yaml definition. It will add the certificate on all your control plane nodes that will be deployed.
- Add the certificate & the preKubeadmCommands in
object in your custom yaml definition. It will add the certificate on all your worker nodes that will be deployed.
For existing clusters
- Edit the cluster api object type
corresponding to the cluster to modify
- Change the
section of the file to include the ca certificate, as shown here:
- At the bottom of the file (at same indentation as files), add a
block as shown here :
- Save the
template file with your changes. - Patch the management cluster with the below command. It will force a rolling update of your nodes.