Test your maturity in the cloud here!

Continuous Cloud improvements are necessary. This assessment is build on a set of guiding tenets that can be used to improve the quality of your cloud workload.

Test yourself and find out where you are in the areas of security, cost, operational excellence, reliability, engineering, performance, and sustainability.

At the end of the self-assessment, you will get a hint on what you should do to have an updated cloud environment and an excellent architecture.

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Step 1 out of 6


1. To which degree have you identified your critical assets in the cloud in terms of security?*
2. To which degree would you say that you know where your sensitive data resides?*
3. To which degree do you have control over where your data travels and how it is used and shared?*
4. To which degree can you say that your identity management is setup for least privilege?*
5. To which degree are you aware of the compliance requirements on your Cloud environment?*

Step 2 out of 6


1. To which degree would you say you're tracking costs in live dashboards, and have made the dashboards accessible to all involved parties?*
2. To which degree would you say that you forecast accurately with regards to future consumption?*
3. To which degree would you say your company has benefited from cost improvements?*
4. To which degree would you say your organization uses metadata (tagging) to have control/visibility of spend and allocation?*
5. To which degree would you say that you review your cloud spending in cycles?*

Step 3 out of 6

Operational excellence

1. To which degree do you have some DevOps way of working?*
2. To which degree have you automated your Cloud environment (IaC)?*
3. To which degree are you running CI/CD pipelines?*
4. To which degree do you actively follow up on the health of your infrastructure?*
5. To which degree are you improving your operations?*

Step 4 out of 6

Reliability engineering

1. To which degree are you monitoring your Cloud workloads?*
2. To which degree do you have incident action planning in place?*
3. To which degree do you review lessons learned from past incident responses?*
4. To which degree do you perform capacity planning on an ongoing basis?*
5. To which degree is a disaster recovery process in place that is tried and tested?*

Step 5 out of 6


1. To which degree is your architecture design based on Cloud best practices, such as scaling in and out on a demand basis?*
2. To which degree is there a performance test strategy in place, that encompass testing all stages such as load testing, stress testing, API testing, and client-side/browser testing?*
3. To which degree do you consistently monitor your Cloud workload performances, reflecting bottlenecks and over-availability?*
4. To which degree do you use log aggregation over the whole environment to gain input over all components?*
5. To which degree have you mapped out performance trade-offs, such as performance versus cost and security?*

Step 6 out of 6


1. To which degree do you understand and report on Cloud sustainability metrics for your cloud environment?*
2. To which degree are Cloud sustainability targets defined and communicated in your organization?*
3. To which degree would you estimate your Cloud footprint as optimized regarding usage? (On/off, Rightsized, Scaling in/out, Idle resources, Serverless>VM)*
4. To which degree would you say you are replacing VM-based applications with containers or Shared serverless services?*
5. To which degree are you actively working to reduce the downstream sustainability impact of your cloud work?*

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